As more devices (HDTV, Computers, Tablets, Smart Phones, etc) are placed into the residence the need for greater bandwidth grows every day.  Broadstar-Optics has both the Actives and Passives to build a network that travels at the speed of life.  .  .  .


Segmented HFC

Node segmentation is the quickest and most cost effective way to expand a networks capacity.  We offer segmentable nodes that lower your CAPEX while still giving your network the scalability it needs to grow.


Fiber Deep

Places nodes deeper into the network.  It provides greater upstream and downstream capacity, ideal for todays bandwidth demands.  It dramatically reduces OPEX due to less network maintenance on actives and lower power consumption costs.



Allows an operator to offer Fiber-to-the-Premises to specific market sectors such as business parks, universities and new developments, etc.  RFoG allows greater bandwidth to specific markets while still utilizing the same back office and provisioning systems as HFC networks.


For any assistance in building the right network of your needs please contact us.